Jacqueline Wener
When we look for Chi School Teachers we hope to gather the kind of wholehearted person you can learn from, laugh with and who seamlessly make you feel that you could share the deepest depths of yourself. Jacqueline Wener fits this description beautifully. Perhaps it’s her training as a clinical therapist, or dedication as a Kundalini Yoga instructor, or maybe it’s that she’s a mother of 3 children – Jacqueline embodies the kind of openness and compassion that inspires children to fully be themselves, expansive and whole.
What drew you to become a Chi Kids Teacher?
I was originally drawn to Chi Kids as a parent of a 9-year-old who was struggling with anxiety. The classes that were offered felt like magic to me! The best part was that in the playfulness of the program some of the deepest learning was happening without her even knowing it. The skills she learned were transformative for both her and our family.
My work as both a Registered Clinical Counsellor and a yoga teacher are so aligned with the values of this program that I couldn’t help but want to become a part of sharing it with the world.
“In Chi School we come together as a village for the sake of our children.”
If you could only choose one Chi School tool which would you choose and why?
I love working with balloons, and the kids can’t seem to get enough of them! Using our breath we blow our overwhelming feelings, and negative thought patterns into a balloon, and then just like that we let them go. As the balloons zip around the room and deflate the kids laugh, and the charge they were carrying seems to fade. Play is the way in – it’s the magic! As I watch, I am struck by how much power we actually have over how we feel, and how powerful a tool our breath is in helping us shift our emotional and physical state of being.
Discovering core desires help our children understand the intention behind their feelings and actions. What are your core desires?
My deepest desire is to play a part in awakening the wise and compassionate being that sits inside each one of our kids. My hope is that each child that comes to our classes feels seen, accepted and appreciated for the unique being that they are.
“Each one of our kids has a gift to share. My desire is to help untangle the noise that gets in the way of its expression.”
Conscious teaching is core to Chi School – it rests on the awareness that we are constantly learning and discovering about ourselves through the children we teach. What are you learning?
I’m learning to be really present, and pay attention to what is being asked for in any given moment. Lesson plans are great, but sometimes kids just need to dance.
I’m learning to listen deeply as it takes real courage for a child to speak up and share.
I’m learning to be patient and to love the process, because beauty keeps unfolding before me.
I’m learning that judgement is something adults do, kids just speak what’s true for them.
What do you want parents to know how their child might experience your teaching?
Our children are incredibly wise. Through Chi School we can give them the tools to respond to their worlds with the best of themselves, rather than to react to it. I so look forward to sharing these teachings with you and your children. They really are magic!